The founders of WP Real Estate are Ben Van den Keybus and Marc Coucke, shareholders of WP Hotels & Events, which is responsible for property management and leases the real estate.
Invest together with both founders, on equal terms and on the same return and exit conditions.
Every year we organise a shareholder meeting. In addition to the sharing of financial information, we also provide the opportunity to network with other shareholders in order to build a real WP Community.


Ben Van den Keybus
Ben is the fourth generation of the Smets family, founders of Het Witte Paard.
After studying accounting, Ben first ran a number of hospitality businesses, before switching to the financial sector, working for five years as an asset manager in Luxembourg and Geneva. It is there that Ben gained his extensive financial experience. In 2009, Ben took over Het Witte Paard. Today, he successfully oversees both Het Witte Paard and WP Hotels & Events.

Marc Coucke
Through his investment company Alychlo, Marc Coucke has invested in a diverse portfolio of businesses, with a particular focus on entertainment and hospitality.
In 2021, Alychlo acquired a 49% stake in WP Hotels & Events, while also being actively involved in WP Real Estate. Ben Van den Keybus and Marc Coucke together account for around 50% of WP Real Estate.
Investors - Shareholders
WP Real Estate currently boasts around 30 investors, ranging from 22 to 85 years of age and from all walks of life. They comprise both men and women, as well as some organisations. Here, we let some of our investors have their say!

‘Thanks to the budget in kind, I enjoy substantial discounts on my annual holiday in Blankenberge’
Marleen Vereyken

‘The tricky thing about owning real estate is its management and maintenance. Here, I am also able to invest in real estate, just without all the day-to-day problems that come with it’
Annick Dedrie

‘For me, it's a smart way to go about succession planning’
Ann Franssen

‘Thanks to the perks that come with having an investor card, I am now able to attend shows at Het Witte Paard several times a year.’
David Van Looveren

‘I see real estate as a secure investment, part of a diversified investment portfolio’
Nicole Van De Vel
WP Community & Budget in kind
At WP Real Estate, we attach great importance to our WP Community, where shareholder networking is actively encouraged.
In addition to the annual shareholder meeting, we organise complementary events to strengthen the bond between the various shareholders.
What's more, each investor is also allocated their own personal investor card, providing them with numerous benefits and substantial discounts, limited annually to 1% of their total investment, valid in all our hotels, apartments, restaurants or at our events.